
King’s Scout Awards

This is the top achievement for Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members and comprises of a variety of activities to complete. It is linked closely to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award and it is worth working on the two awards together.

The King’s Scout Award was previously known as the Queen’s Scout Award, with a name change occurring in 2022 to reflect the new King of England. The County Programme Team is more than happy to talk to leaders and young people to support them as a leader delivering a programme and as a young person who want to complete the award.

Over the years the material for the award has changed a lot and we are here to help. This information is now in one document: REACH THE TOP.

Here are some FAQ’s we are asked by award participants.

Do I need to register for the award?2023-04-11T09:08:31+00:00

The requirement to register nationally and back date activities up to three months for the KSA has been removed from 1 November 2018 onwards. However Warwickshire does need you to share your Online Scout Manager OSM account with the OSM Warwickshire Scouts King’s Scouts Award Group. This is to help us assess how you are doing and offer help to you if needed. Share not transfer if you are not on OSM please talk to us.

What paperwork do I need to complete for the award?2023-04-11T09:04:45+00:00

You are required to complete the Log book. The Logbook also has the sign off sheet for the relevant commissioner to sign off. We can help you complete the logbook to ensure it will pass the final stage of approval at Scout HQ prior to you completing the award.

What do I need to do to complete the KSA?2023-04-11T09:03:47+00:00

Award participants must:


  • Be aged 16  or older to start the award and complete the award before your 25th birthday (26th birthday during the Covid 19 pandemic)
  • Be a member of either Explorer Scouts or Scout Network (or a combination of both) for at least 18 months to complete the award – time can only be counted from your 16th birthday.
  • Be a member of Explorer Scouts or Scout Network at the time you complete the award

This means members can only start working towards and count activities undertaken in achieving the KSA from their 16th Birthday. Activities and nights away completed in achievement of the Chief Scout Platinum and Diamond Awards can be counted towards the KSA.


Complete 18 nights away as an Explorer Scout or Scout Network member, of which at least 12 must be camping.

Nights  away  used for  this  requirement  must  be  different  from nights away  undertaken  for  one  of  the  five challenge activities (such as expedition and residential) or those used for the ICV list, but can include those nights away used for the nights away requirement of the Chief Scout’s Platinum or Chief Scout’s Diamond Awards.


Complete six activities in total, two from each topic area of the ICV activities list. Click here to view the ICV list for the KSA.  A minimum of two must be from the KSA ICV list and the others from any of the KSA, or Chief Scout Platinum or Diamond ICV lists.


Complete the five Queen’s Scout Award challenges or hold the Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE). Which include Service, Skills, Physical Activity, Residential and Expedition (that included training for and completing the practice and final expedition).


Make a presentation covering all elements of your award to a suitable audience, with the aim of inspiring and motivating others to achieve the award. The presentation should be the final activity you complete. It is important you speak with the County Leadership Team before completing the presentation.


Each  requirement  needs  to  be  signed  off  by  an  assessor,  this  is   someone  who  can     vouch   for  the  activities  you  have undertaken and provide some basic evidence (a short statement) about your participation. This is often your Explorer Leader or your  District  Scout  Network  Commissioner.  However,  assessors  can  be anyone  who  has  witnessed  the  activities  you  have undertaken for the specific requirement.

The King’s Scout Award is based on personal best effort rather than fixed standards, and should be available to all members of Explorer Scouts and the Scout Network. This may mean that for some individuals, the requirements of the award need to be adapted to ensure that they face the same degree of challenge as other participants. Please check with us before any adaptions are made to the programme.

If you have any questions please contact the County Programme using ksa@warwickshirescouts.org.uk, or just click the button below.

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