Kenilworth Groups
Our groups meet during term time from Monday to Thursday at various locations. Details of our meeting times and locations are below.
1st Kenilworth Scout Group
1st Kenilworth Scout Group has three sections which all meet weekly during term-time at Kenilworth Scout & Guide Centre, Fishponds Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1EY.
Squirrels – 5.30 to 6.30pm Thursdays
Beavers 5.45 to 6.45pm Mondays
Cubs 6.45 to 8.15pm Thursdays
Scouts 7.00 to 9.00pm Mondays
Group Chair: Peter Cox
Group Lead Volunteer: Mitchell Ward
Contact Email: 1stkenilworthscoutgroup@gmail.com
4th Kenilworth Scout Group
The 4th Kenilworth Scout Group has three sections which meet consecutively on a Monday night during term-time at The Parochial Hall, High Street, Kenilworth, CV8 1LZ.
Beavers 5.15 to 6.30pm Mondays
Cubs 6.30 to 7.45pm Mondays
Scouts 7.45 to 9.30pm Mondays
Group Chair: Andy Cherry
Group Lead Volunteer: Caroline Farrell
Contact Email: leadvolunteer@4thkenilworthscouts.co.uk
5th Kenilworth Scout Group
5th Kenilworth Scout Group has four sections which all meet weekly on Mondays during term-time at St Augustine’s School, Hollis Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 2JY.
Squirrels 5.30 to 6.30pm Mondays
Beavers 5.30 to 6.30pm Mondays
Cubs 6.45 to 8.15pm Mondays
Scouts 7.00 to 9.00pm Mondays
Group Chair: Douglas Faulconbridge
Group Lead Volunteer: Alvin Tan
Contact Email: contact@5thKenScouts.org
Abbey Scout Group
Abbey Scout Group has three sections, which all meet weekly during term-time at the Kenilworth Scout & Guide Centre, Fishponds Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1EY.
Beavers 5.45 to 6.45pm Wednesdays
Cubs 6.45 to 8.15pm Wednesdays
Scouts 7.00 to 9.00pm Mondays
Group Chair: Mark Earles
Group Lead Volunteer: Chris Barnwell
Contact Email: abbeyscoutgroup@hotmail.com
Leek Wootton Scout Group
Leek Wootton Scout Group is made up of two sections which meet weekly during term-time at Leek Wootton Village at the War Memorial Recreation Ground, Warwick Road, Leek Wootton, CV35 7RB.
Beavers 5.30 to 6.30pm Mondays
Cubs 6.45 to 8.00pm Mondays
Group Chair: tbc
Group Lead Volunteer: Jo Elsy
Contact Email: leekwoottonscoutgroup@gmail.com
Waverley Scout Group
Waverley Scout Group has three sections which all meet weekly on Tuesdays during term-time at the Methodist Church, Priory Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1LQ.
Beavers 5.30 to 6.30pm Tuesdays
Cubs 6.45 to 8.00pm Tuesdays
Scouts 7.30 to 9.00pm Tuesdays
Group Chair: Stuart Heaton
Group Lead Volunteer: Huw Lansdowne
Contact Email: waverley@kenilworthscouts.org.uk
Kenilworth Explorer Units
There are two Explorer Scout Units in Kenilworth District – both units meet at the Kenilworth Scout & Guide Centre, Fishponds Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1EY.
Phoenix ESU
Explorer Leaders: Ellie McGovern / Richard Elliott / Nicki Mottram
Email: phoenixkenilworthesu@gmail.com
Phoenix ESU is an action packed Explorer Scout Unit and is run mainly by its own members with a wide variety of fun and adventurous activities throughout the year.
We are active in local community, supporting local events such as Kenilworth Lions Grand Show, Two Castles Run, Kenilworth Carnival.
Every year there are several weekend camps. Our main summer expedition is a full week’s camp, usually the last week of the summer holidays. We sometimes go abroad having previously visited Sweden, Holland and France.
The Unit meets most Thursdays from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Occasionally we meet elsewhere.
Castle Lake ESU
Explorer Leader: Lesley Allen
Email: castlelakeesu@gmail.com
The Unit meets most Wednesdays from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.