Join the Kenilworth team in helping us deliver #SkillsForLife in your area, and have fun along the way!
Are you ready to inspire a generation of young people to experience fun, friendship and real adventure?
The opportunities to volunteer with us are flexible – think of something you’d like to do and chances are it’s just what we need! As well as specific vacancies we are always looking for volunteers who can help out as and when they can.
We currently have the following vacancies:
District Team – as part of our succession planning, we are looking for new volunteers to take on the following roles :
– District Chair
– District Treasurer
Please contact the District Lead Volunteer at dlv@kenilworthscouts.org.uk for further information about any of these opportunities.
1st Kenilworth Scout Group – Squirrel Leader (x1) : Beaver Leaders (x3) : Cub Leaders (x3) : Scout Leaders (x4)
If you are interested in any of these roles please contact the Group Lead Volunteer by emailing: 1stkenilworthscoutgroup@gmail.com
4th Kenilworth Scout Group – Cub team member (Mondays – 7.45pm to 9.30pm)
If you are interested in this role please contact the Group Lead Volunteer by emailing: leadvolunteer@4thkenilworthscouts.co.uk
Abbey Scout Group – a new team of Squirrel Leaders : Assistant Beaver Leader (Wednesdays – 5.30pm to 6.30pm) : Cub Leader (Wednesdays – 6.45pm to 8.15pm) : Scout Leader (Mondays – 7.00pm to 9.00pm) : new Group Lead Volunteer
If you are interested in either of these roles please contact the Group Lead Volunteer by emailing: abbeyscoutgroup@hotmail.com
Leek Wootton Scout Group – Beaver Leader : Cub Leader
If you are interested in either of these roles please contact the Group Lead Volunteer by emailing: leekwoottonscoutgroup@gmail.com